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Chute Gerdeman designers are both thinkers and creators.

Senior leadership blends with fresh, young talent, each informing the other, with strategy as the illuminator to desired solutions. You’re part of the equation, too, serving as collaborator and ally in the quest for what’s next.

We push boundaries, break rules and shift paradigms,  because “good enough” is never the answer. We much prefer to ask the more appropriate, “What if…?”[/vc_column_text][divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”8″][divider line_type=”Full Width Line” custom_height=”24″][divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”8″][toggles][toggle title=”Environments & Architectural Design” color=”Default”][vc_column_text]The physical space that holds your brand is often the consumers’ first impression and introduction to your company. So what do you want it to say? When they enter, what journey do you want them to take? We bring dimension and personality to brand, expressing intangible attributes with shape, design, materials and fixture systems that embody a physical experience. Whether it’s a ground-up prototype location or multiple locations requiring a retrofit refresh, we create spaces that are unforgettable and undeniably yours.[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle title=”Brand Communication” color=”Extra-Color-2″][vc_column_text]Your brand has something to say. Our job is to give it a voice and a platform. More inspired storytelling than simple graphics, brand communications bring clarity to every consumer interaction. From wayfinding and navigation to promotional campaigns, POP, digital, packaging and printed collateral, our methodical approach to communications systems lets you engage your customer with the right information at the right time, all while expressing your brand’s distinctive personality. Asset-light? Let us fill in as your creative staff, art directing photography or illustrating and crafting messages that motivate.[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle title=”Visual Merchandising & Fixture Design” color=”Default”][vc_column_text]What keeps consumers coming back? The promise of a fresh surprise on every visit. That’s where visual merchandising strategy comes in. Connecting to marketing and brand campaigns, visual merchandising employs all the weapons in a retailer’s arsenal, telling relevant product stories via display techniques that bring life to windows, mannequins and one-of-a-kind props and fixtures. Whether inviting the customer into the store with a breathtaking window display or simply romancing an end-cap, our VM experts know how to create product and brand lust.[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle title=”Interactive & Digital Media” color=”Extra-Color-2″][vc_column_text]No longer a new frontier, interactive and digital media now require more than simply being included; they demand being used to best effect. That’s because consumers expect interactive content in all venues, whether it’s a 6” square display at the pump or a three-story LED video wall drenching a department store in luxurious light. Chute Gerdeman knows how to create fully integrated interactive experiences, merging digital design, content development, asset management and dynamic delivery into your customer journey, giving interactivity its proper due within the three-dimensional physical experience.[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle title=”Design Development & Documentation” color=”Default”][vc_column_text]Let’s face it. The best design, poorly executed, is one huge and expensive mistake. Our design development teams—sometime inventors, translators and total detail fanatics—relish the job of making a brilliant design workable. Intent documentation serves as a critical bridge from design to realization, allowing us to begin cost estimation and alerting us to any unforeseen obstacles. The architecture and environments team, LEED-certified and with plenty of years under their belts, can take a design from napkin sketch to construction documents. With eagle eyes and millimeter precision, Chute Gerdeman graphic production specialists translate a designer’s vision into reality with a scrupulous commitment to design intent.[/vc_column_text][/toggle][/toggles][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”24″]

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