Hicks Nurseries has been in business for over 170 years, and in the same location nonetheless. The business has been passed through multiple generations and the Hicks family is deeply involved in the success and quality assurance of the brand to this day.
Hicks is centered in Westbury NY, a locale on Long Island, just 40 minutes outside of Manhattan. The community and surrounding neighborhoods have shopped and supported Hicks Garden Center for years, and they continue to welcome hundreds of thousands of shoppers seasonally for their everchanging offerings and unique seasonal experiences.

Embrace the Season That You’re In
For Hicks, the main challenge was developing a design that championed their products, while also opening the 75,000 sq. ft space up for guests to shop with leisure. Customer traffic at Hicks had become an issue, causing congestion throughout the space and leading to long checkout times, poor sightlines, and a lack of means to easily navigate the store.
With that in mind, we developed flexible fixtures that display plants and products beautifully while also allowing guests to see past them and feel enticed to dive further into the Hicks experience. We knocked down several obstructive walls in the store so shoppers could take in the total experience and move more freely between various zones. We developed a plan that widened all the isles, and expanded the customer journey as a whole. The result is more space in each zone for guests to separate themselves from the products as well as other guests.

Time to Refresh Your Retail Experience?
If you have a project on the horizon and could use a partner for experience design and store planning and construction, we would love the opportunity to talk with you